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Top 10 Issues Solved by Blockchain

The blockchain industry is still very young. On a global scale, it has already impacted a variety of industries. In the near future, it might alter how any digital data is processed. The best blockchain development businesses claim that this technology can resolve some of the most challenging issues the world is currently facing. You will learn about the top ten problems that blockchain can solve in this post.

Data Storage


Knowledge was formerly restricted to the chosen few, but those days are long past. In the digital age, it is much more difficult to disconnect from the constant flow of information than it is to access the information you require. The amount of data that needs to be saved is constantly expanding due to the emergence of Facebook, the development of artificial intelligence, and machine learning. 


Big Data vastly exceeds the capabilities of contemporary data centres. The data storage environment becomes more challenging as the aforementioned technologies advance. By 2025, the globe would need to store 163 zettabytes of data, according to IDC. The capacity of current cloud storage services to adequately handle such enormous amounts of information is lacking.


Blockchain's decentralised and distributed structure may be able to address the problem of data storage. One will have to divide the data into smaller pieces in order to save it in the blockchain. All components will be uploaded to the blockchain with encryption. The data will then be spread such that it can all be accessed even if a portion of the network is down. Such data management can be a far more beneficial option than cloud storage.

Data Security


Data security will significantly increase with blockchain data storage. The fact that cloud data is now kept in centralised storage facilities renders it vulnerable to security breaches. Cloud storage's security and speed can be improved via blockchain. The blockchain-based data will be archived across the nod network. In this situation, it will not be necessary to rely on a central place or institution. Any data breach won't have the same risk of being lethal in blockchain storage. The data that is saved on the blockchain won't be susceptible to theft or tampering. 


The blockchain will protect data against force-major events that currently harm and destroy centralised databases (e.g., natural disasters, riots, political escalation).To ensure that there is never any data loss or downtime, a distributed blockchain data storage network will keep multiple copies of data among many nodes. Without the requirement for a third party, blockchain has the ability to store, process, and manage data. 



The majority of payments are currently done through a third-party financial institution in almost every business. For many businesses, blockchain payments can increase the effectiveness of payment processes. For instance, a business can do away with the time-consuming processes and payment delays associated with the antiquated payment system by enabling a blockchain-based payment processor. Instant, secure transactions using blockchain may be a viable solution for many firms.


The blockchain's structure allows for a real-time audit of every transaction, protecting them against any changes. It might improve how many compliance-intensive industries operate. Businesses can create impenetrable rules for their financial operations using smart contracts (applications that operate exactly as intended without permitting any third-party involvement, fraud, or downtime).


For instance, the IoT platform Slock, which integrates Ethereum, employs smart contracts technology to provide a bike rental business. A smart lock on the bike unlocks, allowing the user to ride it once both parties have agreed on the contract's terms.



Without middlemen like banks, conventional financial transactions are not possible. Banks act as middlemen, ensuring that the money you send will reach its intended receiver. The only thing you can do after giving the money to the bank is waiting for the recipient to get it because banks do not show you how transactions are carried out. Blockchain gives you the chance to trust secure technology with your money instead of banks.


With blockchain, it is frequently possible to cut out middlemen. With the use of a set of digital keys, one can transfer digital payments from their virtual wallet to the virtual wallet of a receiver. To carry out such a transaction, one needs to be aware of the recipient's Bitcoin wallet's public address. These transactions are more advanced than routine bank transfers since they are speedy, safe, and irrevocable. 


Additionally, blockchain transaction fees are now far less expensive than bank fees. Holding transactions via blockchain will enable organisations and individuals to eliminate fraud and protect all transactions, even in situations where intermediaries are required.

Supply Chains


Management of the supply and logistics chain is very complicated today. In the supply chain, some products travel through dozens or even hundreds of phases. It takes a lot of time and resources to process all the invoices, payments, logistics, and tax documentation. As a result, the supply of some goods may last for months or even years. High losses may occur as a result of mistakes, fraud, and force majeure at some point in the process. Long supply chains can increase the likelihood of losses on all sides of the transaction.


One of the most promising technologies for supply-chain management is blockchain technology. It can significantly enhance asset registration, tracking, assignment, connection, and sharing. Because blockchain provides exceptional security and transaction transparency, it can significantly increase the efficiency of supply networks. Blockchain can assist in recording each product's travel through the supply chain, improving protection and transparency at every stage.


Blockchain technology has the potential to alter and replace conventional trading processes. As a result, it has the potential to boost trade and alter the global economy. Illegal and immoral acts can be removed from supply chains globally with the aid of blockchain technology. 

Intellectual Property


In the digital age, it has become difficult for intellectual property owners all over the world to defend their rights. Almost any piece of art appears to be susceptible to theft, copying, and distribution by thieves. However, several businesses have already used blockchain technology to resolve this problem.


For instance, Binded developed a website that aids artists in safeguarding their original artwork by storing it on the blockchain. In this manner, an artist is given a certificate attesting to the legitimacy of the image. Such a certificate, however, cannot replace a certificate from the US copyright office. An artist would still need to follow the rules if they wanted to receive any statutory damages in a lawsuit filed in the US.


Speaking of intellectual property, blockchain can aid in keeping it safe from theft, whether it be an innovation, a trade secret, or a song you've created. One can construct a digital audit trail of their invention process using blockchain. To show their ownership over the existence and integrity of an IP item they hold, one can swiftly obtain blockchain certifications.

Government Operations


Unfortunately, there is no perfect government in the world that is immaculate, free of corruption, and just in all respects. The use of blockchain technology can significantly improve how easily public and government services are delivered. Elections, identity management, and taxes are the three main problems that blockchain can solve. 


At the moment, identity management requirements vary from country to country. It makes the identifying procedure cumbersome, uncomfortable and exposed. The out-of-date identity management system can be replaced by a blockchain and biometrics combo. Election participation, obtaining government benefits, and travelling will all be much simpler. 


Blockchain can improve the effectiveness of taxation systems by automatically detecting fraud in tax records. Currently, tax fraud costs the US government millions of dollars every year. The government will ensure that no tax record can be modified or hacked by utilising blockchain solutions. 



The majority of individuals do not trust the current social funding and charity models. In the social funding sector, millions of dollars are spent on unsuccessful programmes. Lack of openness increases people's scepticism regarding the legitimacy of various charities. Furthermore, some worthwhile social enterprises struggle to gain enough awareness, which prevents them from growing to scale. The sector may find the solution it seeks in the blockchain.


Blockchain has the potential to drastically change the charitable industry. First off, by making the donations clear, it can increase public trust. It can also lower additional fees including processing costs for both parties to the transaction. Furthermore, by automatically approving transactions and verifying the majority of operations, blockchain technology can lower administrative costs.


For instance, Alice is a platform that uses blockchain technology to increase transparency in social funding. The goal of this project is to encourage social groups to manage their initiatives openly and make public the results of each of their initiatives.



The fairness of elections is one of the biggest problems in many nations. Voting miscounts, forced voting, and voting machine hacks are all common occurrences. All of these problems could be resolved by a blockchain-based voting system. Votes saved in the blockchain may be tracked in real-time and cannot be altered once they are recorded. With the use of this technology, election meddling is completely impossible. Election winners can be picked in the most efficient manner in this fashion.


The anonymity of voters is another concern with elections. With the help of open-source crypto algorithms, the government will safeguard voter anonymity by providing blockchain-based voting systems. Every vote will be encrypted and saved to the blockchain using sophisticated mathematical methods, eliminating any possibility of alteration or hacking. Only those who are legally permitted to vote will be able to perform their civic duty thanks to blockchain.


By introducing the blockchain-based voting platform Plebiscito Digital, Colombia has already taken the first steps in this direction.
Previously, this service collaborated with civil society organisations to offer Colombian expatriates the chance to cast an absentee ballot using a blockchain-based platform. 



A standard model of crowdsourcing is far from ideal. Although it is gradually getting better, it is still unable to resolve several serious problems. Platforms like Kickstarter, Crowdfunder, and Indiegogo gave startup initiatives the attention they desired worldwide. However, more than three-quarters of all programmes fail to accomplish their intended objectives. Additionally, less than 2% of the monies raised is distributed to the developing economies. All of this indicates that a change in the crowdfunding paradigm is urgently required. 


The fundraising procedures could become safer, more transparent, and available from anywhere in the world thanks to blockchain technology. The project's chances of success can be increased thanks to this technology. Additionally, because blockchain-powered crowdfunding will be borderless, secure, and anonymous, it may be more democratic. Blockchain can facilitate the development of a worldwide crowdfunding platform that is freely accessible to everyone around the globe. It will enable all-encompassing crowdsourcing.

Final Thoughts


It appears that the future of blockchain technology is bright across several sectors. Many experts feel that the blockchain is the technology of the future, despite the fact that many doubters do not think it needs to enter certain industries or that it can increase their efficiency.


The potential of blockchain to address pressing problems with data storage and security, transaction processing and middlemen, supply chains, intellectual property, government operations, charity, voting, and crowdfunding is now a given. According to some analysts, the adoption of blockchain in these sectors will have an impact that is comparable to that of the Internet's invention. Until technology advanced, people were unaware of how ineffective they were.
